If you plan on becoming a
licensed practical nurse, also called, LPN, then you might want to
find a licensed practical nursing school as well. Colleges for nurses
are spread accross the nation, you won't have trouble finding the
right college that meets your licensing needs. One thing that has
become of controversy, is the opportunity for nurses to gain their
associate's degree online! That's right, starting January of 2007,
you are now able to achieve your associates degree for licensed practical
nursing online with Kaplan University. Another online university is
the university of Phoenix. College classes are very flexible for the
indivdual so whether you wish to be in session at night, or day, it
is strictly and only up to you. Classes are also hands-on to ensure
that you understand and can apply learned skills in a real working
The demand for nurses has become ever more needing, the U.S. Department
of Labor predicts a need for 1.7 million more nurses by the year
2020, that seems like a long time, but thirteen years will pass
soon. Nurses who truely wish getting their license soon, should
start as soon as they can. Since LPNs work under the supervision
of registered nurses as vital members of the nursing team, they
basically hold the whole practical group together. Don't forget
LPN's can obtain an Associate degree in Nursing or go on to get
their BSN degree completely online. If you are a current LPN nurse
and wish to further improve your education, The Licensed Practical
Nurse must submit a copy of his/her current license and an official
transcript from the practical nursing program. An LPN training course
typically involves the education of simple as well as complex
medical procedures which includes administering most medications.
Schools that offer the practical nurse her license, are profoundly
eager to help the nurse be on his or her way to success. Instructors
truely have a world of experience with nursing, and are trained
to be friendly and provide answers to any of which questions you
may have or be concerned about with nursing or a even your license.
One of the examinations the nurse will have to undergo, is the NCLEX-LN
certification exam, since it is required by all fifty states to
become a licensed practical nurse, it is very wise to attend a school
to take specific classes for your preparation for this exam.
If you live in Chicago (Illinois) or close enough, you have to check LPN Training in Chicago (IL) |